Introducing a compact and stylish indoor unit with amazingly quiet performance. Not only are neat installations in small bedrooms possible, increase energy-savings by selecting the optimal capacity required for each room.

Capacity in kW

“Rank A++ /A+ ” Energy Savings Achieved for Entire Range of Series
All models in the series, from the low-capacity 25 to the high-capacity 71, have achieved the “Rank A++ ” for SEER and “Rank A+ ” for SCOP as energy-savings rating.
For home use, such as in bedrooms and living rooms, to light commercial use, such as in offices, our air conditioners are contributing to reduced energy consumption in a wide range.
Wide Line-up
Eight different indoor units (Model 15-71) are available to meet your diversified air conditioning needs.
Compact and Stylish (MSZ-SF15/20VA)
The stylish, square indoor unit adds a touch of class to any room interior.
The compact design is 64mm thinner than our previous indoor unit with the lowest output capacity (MSZ-GE22VA).
Family Design (MSZ-SF15/20/25/35/42/50)
Models in the 25-50 class are introduced as single-split units while retaining the popular design of the SF15/20VA* as indoor units exclusively for multi-systems.
From small rooms to living rooms, it is possible to coordinate residences with a unified design.
*Size may vary
“i save” Mode
“i save” is a simplified setting function that recalls the preferred (preset) temperature by pressing a single button on the remote controller.
Press the same button twice in repetition to immediately return to the previous temperature setting.
Using this function contributes to comfortable, waste-free operation, realising the most suitable air conditioning settings and saving on power consumption when, for example, leaving the room or going to bed.
Outdoor Units for Cold Region (25/35/42/50)
Single split-type outdoor units are available in both standard and heater-equipped units.
An electric heater is installed in each unit to prevent freezing in cold outdoor environments.
“Weekly Timer”
Easily set desired temperatures and operation start/stop times to match lifestyle patterns.
Reduce wasted energy consumption by using the timer to prevent forgetting to turn off the unit and eliminate temperature setting adjustments.
Easy set-up using dedicated buttons
The remote controller is equipped with buttons that are used exclusively for setting the Weekly Timer.
Setting operation patterns is easy and quick.
- Start by pushing the “SET” button and follow the instructions to set the desired patterns. Once all of the desired patterns are input, point the top end of the remote controller at the indoor unit and push the “SET” button one more time. (Push the “SET” button only after in- putting all of the desired patterns into the remote controller memory. Pushing the “CANCEL” button will end the set-up process without sending the operation patterns to the indoor unit).
- It takes a few seconds to transmit the Weekly Timer operation patterns to the indoor unit. Please continue to point the remote controller at the indoor unit until all data has been sent.
- When “Weekly Timer” is set, temperature can not be set 10°C.
Low Standby Power
Electrical devices consume standby power even when they are not in actual use.
While we obviously strive to reduce power consumption during actual use, reducing this wasted power that cannot be seen is also very important.
Air Purifying Filter (MSZ-SF25/35/42/50,MSZ-GF60/71)
This filter generates stable antibacterial and deodourising effects.
The size of the three-dimensional surface has been increased as well, enlarging the filter capture area. These features give the Air Purifying Filter better dust collection performance than conventional filters.
The superior air-cleaning effectiveness raises room comfort yet another level.