Hotel Britania
Hotel Britania is situated in Kamëz Tirana and offers a verity of services such as room hotels, special gastronomy entertainment activities and a panoramic view. At Hotel Britania, since the very beginning of the hotel project, they had clearly in mind to offer the best service with the highest quality.
HVAC was an issue that required special attention because air quality is one of the most important things for a customer. For that, Hotel Britania thought to contract Uni-Klima Sh.P.K to offer the system that would meet all the needs and requirements.
After studying the area and after making all the needed measures, Uni-Klima engineering staff decided to install a VRF system.
Taking this decision will not only help in reducing energy consumption, but at the same time offer conditioned air during all the year with maximum comfort.
The system after being completed was tested and successfully passed all the testes.
Now customers at Hotel Britania can find a warm and comfortable place whenever they visit the place.